
ADG家居内饰是亚特兰大首屈一指的全方位服务家具和配件陈列室,还包括照明, 定制的床单, 墙面涂料, 和布料. 我们的陈列室里陈列着数百件顶级Manufacturers的产品. 精心挑选的供应商,我们可以与合作伙伴带来的不仅是最好的选择,但最好的价值.

ADG家居必威靠谱吗独特的商业模式提供了超出典型的实体Showroom的Advantage.  在我们丰富的库存和精心策划的陈列室,设计专业人士可以看到触摸和体验来自Manufacturers的最新趋势和风格.  The ADG家居装饰 staff is knowledgeable of each manufacturer, 包括自定义选项, 更换模具的时间, 和技术规范,以帮助我们的客户最大限度地发挥每个Manufacturers的潜力.

在ADG家居装饰,产品只是你得到的每一个订单的一小部分. 我们相信客户服务在项目的成功中起着更大的作用. ADG’s approach is to partner with our clients, not just sell to them. To achieve this, our 服务s reach far beyond a storefront. When you place an order with ADG家居装饰, we will not only place the order with the vendor but track the order, notify you of any deliveries or delays, 接收和检查, then schedule the installation with our sister company TriMarc安装s. 从那里,TriMarc将按照您的确切规格Delivery和安装家具.


full-服务 furniture and accessories showroom



  • 零售折扣率
  • Designer Pricing (Non-Stocking Dealer)
  • 库存经销商定价

什么是“零售定价”? Is your Retail price a suggested MSRP or a made up price, 3次批发, from which your trade discount is applied? A “discount off 零售” is too ambiguous!


ADG家居装饰不同于我们的大多数竞争对手,使用“成本加”的定价结构,而不是“零售折扣”。. 与“成本加”结构ADG家居内饰给你最低的起始价格与名义15%的加价加上运费.

full-服务 furniture and accessories showroom


我们对我们的定价很有信心,我们现在提供价格匹配的保证. Bring in your quote and we will match it.

full-服务 furniture and accessories showroom

内部“白手套”Delivery & 安装


full-服务 furniture and accessories showroom


When you purchase from ADG家居装饰, your receiving fees are FREE!

full-服务 furniture and accessories showroom

一小时免费送货 & 安装

On orders of $5000 or more made through ADG家居装饰, you will receive one hour free delivery and installation.


在ADG家居室内,我们为保持我们的陈列室备有所有主要类别的最新趋势而感到自豪. 设计师可以亲自来看产品,并带他们的客户进去看样品并做出选择.


ADG家居装饰承载了顶级家具Manufacturers以及我们在此过程中发现的一些专业Manufacturers. 我们的陈列室里有存货,您可以在购买前先看看产品. 我们的定制椅子画廊和定制家具线为我们的客户提供了在其他地方看不到的独特外观.  我们欢迎您的客户到展示厅来帮助选择和协助设计过程.

full-服务 furniture and accessories showroom
full-服务 furniture and accessories showroom


照明 is an essential part of the interior design process. 房间里的灯光将决定最终用户如何看待你的设计. 我们精心挑选的照明Manufacturers,我们认为,不仅生产最好的风格,但提供最好的质量的灯在市场上.


我们经常听说设计师从零售货架上购买灯具和配件. 这样做有很多缺点,包括必须与那些在货架上挑选商品的消费者竞争,并且必须退还任何未经批准的商品. 我们的陈列室里备有配件,可以随时检查确认. We are Atlanta’s destination for accessories.

full-服务 furniture and accessories showroom
full-服务 furniture and accessories showroom


Few things are more valuable to a designer than a reliable 工作室. ADG家居必威靠谱吗已经建立了合作伙伴关系,不仅提供高质量的工艺,而且从测量到安装的2周周转时间也是闻所未闻的. Our 工作室 offers high-quality window treatments, 定制软垫床头板, 长椅, 还有脚垫和定制床上用品. 我们有数百种面料可供选择,甚至还提供COM服务.


墙纸是一种多功能的产品,可以帮助给任何房间画龙点睛.  设计师可以使用的图案、颜色和材料有无限的可能性. ADG家居内饰提供来自顶级Manufacturers的墙纸,有数百个样品可以查看. We can also help you get your 墙面涂料 installed.

full-服务 furniture and accessories showroom
full-服务 furniture and accessories showroom

艺术 & 镜子

ADG于1976年开始生产自己的艺术品和镜子,是亚特兰大设计集团(ADG)提供的原始产品。. In 40 years’ artwork has gone through many transformations. Today’s artwork is more than a print, mat, and glass. 技术已经将艺术品扩展到一系列印刷和展示的可能性,这是无止境的.


ADG’s custom bedding line focuses on natural, sustainable, organic fabrics. 我们的床上用品以丰富的面料和独特的设计唤起舒适和时尚的感觉. 我们热衷于为我们的客户提供最好的手工制作,奢华的亚麻布. We define our style as Casual Luxury.

full-服务 furniture and accessories showroom
full-服务 furniture and accessories showroom


我们以风格、质量和价值而闻名,擅长于新颖和创新的设计和施工. 垂直整合, 我们的设计师和织工不断创造最时尚的图案, colors and textures for today’s market. 我们所有的地毯设计都是手工制作的,有簇绒的、编织的和手工打结的.



FasTrack 是否有一个“快速出货”计划,允许你从一组选定的箱子货物中进行选择, 定制的家具, 地毯和窗帘 收到 只要 两周的 不另收费.

Since ADG has our own in-house installation company, TriMarc安装, TriMarc Customer Service will track your order (s), schedule delivery and install your furniture within two-weeks or less.

full-服务 furniture and accessories showroom

Delivery & 安装

在TriMarc安装,我们理解安装过程的重要性. 对于必威靠谱吗师来说,这是设计过程中最后也是最重要的阶段. This is when all the hard work and planning comes together. 我们的专业安装人员了解这一点的重要性,并与设计人员合作,使安装过程尽可能顺利.


TriMarc安装 prides itself on providing a true White Glove 服务. 首先,你要准时赴约,并拥有一支经验丰富、着装专业、态度积极的安装团队. We routinely felt and polish each piece of furniture as it is placed. Whether the installation is for a corporate office setting, 样板房或私人住宅, 我们将以符合您预算的价格提供卓越的技术知识和对细节的关注.


亚特兰大设计集团与Manufacturers合作,我们认为提供产品和价值的最佳组合给我们的客户. The following highlights some of these partnerships in the major categories.

Bernhardt Design is an American modern furniture company. 该公司成立于1983年,是Bernhardt家具公司旗下的商业家具新产品线.

Caracole Couture是我们为想要在我们令人难以置信的轮廓上签名的设计师或消费者定制的室内装饰程序. With dozens of designs and hundreds of fabrics in the portfolio, Caracole Couture是一种令人兴奋的方式,创造出独一无二的作品,给人留下持久的印象.

Lexington Home Brands is a global leader in the design, 必威靠谱吗, 制造业 and lifestyle marketing of upscale home furnishings. The Company’s award-winning product line of wood, 室内装潢和户外生活设计涵盖了行业最多样化的风格, featuring recognized consumer brands like Lexington, 汤米巴哈马之家, Tommy Bahama Outdoor Living® 艺术istica Home Barclay Butera and Sligh.

Sam Moore has been lovingly crafting fine upholstered seating in the U.S. 70多年来. From beloved classics to trendy transitional styles, 你可以放心地知道,每件作品都是美国人为美国家庭自豪地手工制作的.

MT公司是一家位于高点的家族拥有和经营的定制室内装潢Manufacturers, NC. The MT Company showcases the Miles Talbott, 迈克尔·托马斯。, 破旧的别致, 乔·鲁杰罗收藏, 和水洗奇迹家具系列.

先锋:n. the foremost or leading position in a trend or movement. After more than 40 years in the business, Vanguard 家具 is still on the forefront — From one perfect velvet chair, 无尽的可能性.

Century has been designing award-winning furniture for hotels, 乡村俱乐部, and retirement communities for more than 50 years. Our furniture enhances high profile lobbies, 套房, 户外设置为这些重要的公共空间增加了价值和设计的卓越性.

Bernhardt Design is an American modern furniture company. 该公司成立于1983年,是Bernhardt家具公司旗下的商业家具新产品线.

经典家具,一家致力于生产以价值为导向的实木家具的公司. 一个家族两代人在丰富的家具传承中不断努力,发展出价格实惠的家具, dependable construction of authentic reproductions and classic style.

胡克家具提供世界上最好的优质家庭娱乐选择, 家庭办公室, 口音, 休闲餐厅, 卧室, leather seating and custom chairs in the better to best price points.


先锋:n. the foremost or leading position in a trend or movement. After more than 40 years in the business, Vanguard 家具 is still on the forefront — From one perfect velvet chair, 无尽的可能性.

Currey & Company is a wholesale manufacturer of distinctive home furnishings products. We are best known for our lighting products (chandeliers, 墙壁烛台上, table and floor lamps) as well as interior furniture, 花园家具及配件.

欣克利照明以创造改善您的家庭和生活的照明灯具而自豪. 我们提供吊灯,浴室装置,壁灯,吊坠,户外和景观照明.


基克勒提供了一系列独特的解决方案,反映了你的个性, 口味和计划. 我们相信您为家居选择的产品应该超越功能,使您的空间变得令人惊叹, 鼓舞人心的设置.


进步照明不仅仅是一个照明制造与丰富的遗产. We’re illuminating a vision for the future.

视觉舒适 & Co. has been the premier resource for signature designer lighting. 近30年来, 视觉舒适已经产生了一些最具影响力的名字,在设计中使用特殊品质和独特的天然材料, hand-applied, 生活结束. 视觉舒适提供了各种各样的照明,具有许多突出的设计与高风格和功能的代名词.

WAC 照明 has been an industry leader for over thirty years. 开创性的LED技术使我们在地图上-一个负责任的制造模式和美丽, energy-efficient product designs are taking us into the future. 我们致力于通过智能让世界变得更美好、更光明, superior products across the residential, 零售, 热情好客, 商业空间.

Bermex是可定制餐厅家具Manufacturers中的领导者, pub tables and bar stools made of select grade birch. 它拥有575多名员工,拥有5家配备最先进技术的工厂.

集装箱营销公司. has been in business for over 20 years. 我们的200,000平方英尺的工厂位于乔治亚州西南部,拥有100多名训练有素的员工. 制造的知识与时尚的设计相结合,使我们能够继续以高价格生产和Delivery精美的软垫家具.

Jaipur 地毯 Foundation is a field-based organization affecting over 40,000 artisans at the grass roots level, building their capacity to earn higher wages. 在个人层面推动社会企业发展,使工匠从单纯的工薪族转变为拥有自己的企业. Since most artisans involved are women, increased income will mean meaningful contributions in alleviating poverty.

Jaunty公司拥有广泛的程序地毯选择以及许多独一无二的艺术品. As evidenced by Jaunty’s continuing growth, the company is committed to providing 高品质产品, innovative sales tools and competitive protection to its customers.

KAS为自己成为行业领先的创新和时尚前卫地毯供应商之一而感到自豪. 2014年,我们将数十年的经验和专业知识贡献给了枕头和软垫的世界. 进一步扩大我们的增长, 我们还与知名人士和设计师合作,打造生活方式品牌,为他们打开新的大门,带来更多的机会.

York 墙面涂料 strives to be the worldwide leader in the design, 制造业, 并销售墙面装饰产品. We are committed to satisfying our customers with color and design artistry, 高品质产品, 以及卓越的客户服务.

Bradington-Young的企业使命是建立一个“世界一流”的消费品公司,以我们的产品的完整性而闻名, 演讲, 价值, 服务, 和人民. 我们将强调利用我们的联合资源来造福我们的客户, 我们的同事, 我们的供应商, 我们的老板, and be a contributor to the communities, state and nation in which we live and work.

舒适设计将舒适融入到我们多样化的设计师室内装饰线的每一件作品中. Only the best ingredients go into our products. 我们用2.5密度高回弹泡沫. 我们的纤维背包在袋子里,在适用的地方有隔板,以保持外观. Frames are made from only hardwoods, mortise and tenon construction.

Palliser makes it easy to design a space as unique as you are. 我们独特的软垫和木制家具协调一致,把猜测工作,把一个时尚的房间在一起.

Bernhardt Design is an American modern furniture company. 该公司成立于1983年,是Bernhardt家具公司旗下的商业家具新产品线.

Century has been designing award-winning furniture for hotels, 乡村俱乐部, and retirement communities for more than 50 years. Our furniture enhances high profile lobbies, 套房, 户外设置为这些重要的公共空间增加了价值和设计的卓越性.


先锋:n. the foremost or leading position in a trend or movement. After more than 40 years in the business, Vanguard 家具 is still on the forefront — From one perfect velvet chair, 无尽的可能性.


If you have any questions, please contact us at 770-447-9308